Friday, 28 November 2014

Irrigation - Stage One

After waking this morning to a lovely day, but still feeling pretty crook, I decided a visit to the garden would help, and sure enough, as soon as the sun hit me, I felt a lot better.

So I put in the first stage of the irrigation for the poly boxes already in place. The weather in Melbourne can go any which way but predictable, so at least i'm prepared for drought.

It literally took me 5 minutes to set up. Photos below:


Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a cat person, but when I went back again only a couple of hours AT MOST, and the next door neighbours cat has trampled have of the seedlings.

I have a few options:

1. Create an elaborate and highly technical motion sensing watering system, that will spray the little bugger, though cats are pretty crafty, he'd carry a mirror and have the James Bond theme playing....

2. Electrify EVERYTHING in the entire backyard. He'll get the hint.

3. Hire a particularly well armed private militia (i'm thinking there may be a few excess since the US pulled out of Iraq....

4. Move......a canon into the backyard, and declare (quite formally) a state of war, dragging both properties into a protracted and devastating conflict that will change the world forever....

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